Anglo-Saxon plants

Plants table

This table lists plants suitable for an Anglo-Saxon garden, including ones we have planted and some we may plant in future. Plants in the list may be culinary, medicinal, industrial (e.g. dyeing) or ornamental. It is not an exhaustive list, and there are a few 'interlopers', that is plants that I thought would have been known to Anglo-Saxons but for which no references have been found.
Common name(s)Botanical nameAnglo-Saxon nameUsesLocationNative toPlanting dateGardener's notesHistorical notesReferences
AgrimonyAgrimonia eupatoriagār-clīfe26 occurrences; 11 in medical literature, 15 in glossaries.
Alexanders, horseparsleySmyrnium olusatrumalexandriaCulinaryMediterranean14 occurrences in medical literature.
AngelicaAngelica archangelicaNo references foundNo references found
Apothecary's roseRosa gallicarōseOrnamentalGardenSouthern and central EuropeApril 3 2020Cultivated by Greeks and Romans28 Old English references to rose (not specific species); 17 in medical literature, 11 in glosses/glossaries. Also numerous references to rose in Anglo-Saxon Latin literature.
AsparagusAsparagus officinaliseorþnafalaMedicinal, culinaryBed of brother JulianWestern EuropeMay 6 2020Cultivated by Greeks and Romans, though the asparagus available in Britain now is a French type introduced in the 17th centuryReferenced in medicinal literature
BetonyStachys Officinalis1. læsse bisceopwyrt
2. betonice
GardenJuly 7 20203 references to læsse bisceop-wyrt in glossaries; 82 references to bisceop-wyrt, largely in medical literature (includes plants other than Stachys Officinalis). 114 references to betonice, mostly in medical literature.
BorageBorago officinalisNo references foundGardenMediterraneanApril 20 2020Seeds in the two northern bedsKnown to the Romans, and in mediaeval times.No references found
Butchers broomRuscus aculeatuscnēowholen28 occurrences; 13 in medical literature, 15 in glossaries.
CatmintNepeta Catarianefte20 occurrences; 14 in medical literature, 16 in glossaries.
ChamomileChamaemuelum NobilemageþeGardenApril 3 202031 references to mageþe, which may also be used for other plants; 19 in medical literature, 12 in glossaries. Also in charter bounds (e.g. S663) and place-names (e.g. Mayfield, Sussex).
ChervilAnthriscus Cerefoliumcerfille26 occurrences; 17 in medical literature, 9 in glossaries.
Christmas RoseHelleborus nigerceasteræscGardenApril 3 20207 references to ceasteræsc, which is also used for other plants
CinquefoilPotentilla Repensfīflēafe34 references; 25 in medical literature, 9 in glossaries.
Clary sageSalvia Sclareaslaria6 references; 3 in medical literature, 3 in glossaries.
ColumbineAquilegia VulgarisNo references foundEuropeToxic, can be used to kill liceNo references found
ComfreySymphytum officinalegallucOrchardApril 10 2020Transplanted from home garden33 occurrences to galluc, which may be used for other plants; 14 in medical literature; 19 in glossaries. Possibly occurs in the place-name Galsham.
CorianderCoriandrum Sativum1. celendre,
2. coliandre
GardenApril 3 202026 references to celendre; 19 in medical literature; 7 in glossaries. 8 references to coliandre; 7 in medical literature, 1 in the Bible.
Corn marigoldChrysanthemum Segetumboþen (possible identification)One possible reference as a type of weed.
CorncockleAgrostemma Githago1. coccel
2. giþrife
1. 17 references to coccel (also used for darnel); 1 in medical literature; 5 in glossaries; mostly in biblical translations and references to Matthew 13:24-30; probably occurs in a number of minor place-names and charter S975.
2. 40 references to giþrife; 39 in medical literature; 1 in a glossary.
CornflowerCentaurea Cyanushæwenhnydele (possible identification)GardenApril 3 20208 references to hæwenhnydele (used for other plants); 5 in medical literature, 3 in glossaries.
CostmaryTanacetum BalsamitacostGardenApril 3 202023 occurences; 18 in medical literature, 5 in glossaries, may occur in minor place-names.
CowslipPrimula veriscūslyppeGardenApril 3 20208 occurences; 4 in medical literature; 4 in glossaries.
CuminCuminum cyminumcymen35 references (may sometimes refer to caraway); 28 in medical literature, 7 in glossaries.
DillAnethum GraveolensdileGardenApril 3 202055 occurrences; 39 in medical literature; 16 in glossaries; plus references to Matthew 23:23; also in field-names and place-names, eg Dulwich, and charters S659 & S67.
ElecampaneInula HeleniumOE: eolone (most common name; others include hēahheoloþe, heoloþe, horselene)GardenApril 3 202079 references to eolone; 60 in medical literature, 19 in glossaries.
FeverfewTanacetum PartheniumfēferfūgeGardenJuly 7 2020Golden feverfew planted28 occurrences (also used for common centaury); 19 in medical literature, 9 in glossaries.
Field poppyPapaver rhoeaspopig (field or opium poppy)27 occurrences; 2 in medical literature; 25 in glossaries.
FlaxLinum usitatissimum1. fleax
2. līn (both sometimes mean linen fabric
Both occur in place-names and other contexts. 7 references to fleax in glossaries. 15 references to līn in medical literature.
GarlicAllium sativum1. gārlēac
2. lēac is often used for garlic
GardenApril 26 202035 references to gārlēac; 24 in medical literature, 9 in glossaries. 13 references to lēac in medical literature; occurs in place-names and other contexts./
Goat's rueGalega officinalis
liþwyrt (also used for other plants)GardenJuly 7 202019 occurrences; 11 in medical literature, 8 in glossaries.
Grape vineVitis viniferawīngeard (also the word for vineyard)Bed of brother JulianMay 14 2020Variety Early Van Der Laan, supplied by Chris Bowers3 references in medical literature; numerous other references, especially in biblical literature.
Ground ivyGlechoma hederaceahōfeUsed in brewing ale as flavoring, clarification, and preservative, and later by the English, before the introduction of hops into brewing.OrchardGrows wild19 occurrences; 17 in medical literature, 2 in glossaries.
HeartseaseViola TricolorNo references foundGardenApril 3 2020No references found
Horehound (black)Ballota Nigrahune25 occurrences; 16 in medical literature, 9 in glossaries; occurs in 7 charters and possibly in place-names.
Horehound (white)Marrubium vulgareharehune
GardenApril 3 202019 references to harehune; 9 in medical literature, 10 in glossaries; occurs in the place-name Arundel, (Sussex). 32 references to marubie in medical literature.
HyssopHyssopus Officinalishysope/ysopeGardenJuly 7 2020Rock hyssop planted6 reference to hysope in medical literature. 2 references to ysope in medical literature. Numerous biblical references.
Iris (bearded)Iris GermanicafaneGardenApril 8 202012 occurrences; 5 in medical literature, 7 in glossaries.
Lady's bedstrawGalium verumliþwyrt (also used for other plants)GardenJuly 7 202019 occurrences; 11 in medical literature, 8 in glossarie
Lesser centauryCentaurium pulchellumNo references (lots of names and references for common centaury, Centaurium erythraea)
LovageLevisticum officinalelufesticeGardenApril 6 202022 occurrences; 14 in medical literature; 8 in glossaries
MadderRubia tinctorummæddreGardenJuly 7 202019 occurrences; 4 in medical literature, 15 in glossaries; occurs in minor place-names and in a charter, S601.
Madonna lilyLilium Candidumlīlie (general word for lily)GardenApril 10 202014 references to līlie in medical literature; occurs in glossaries, biblical and other literature.
MallowMalva SylvestrisNames include:
cottuc, georman-lēaf, hoc, mealwe
8 references to cottuc; 4 in medical literature, 4 in glossaries. 16 references to georman-lēaf; 10 in medical literature, 6 in glossaries. 8 references to hoc; 5 in medical literature, 3 in glossaries, occurs in place-names (eg Hockley, Essex) and charters (eg S909). 7 references to mealwe; 4 in medical literature, 3 in glossaries.
MarjoramOriganum majoranaNames include: organe, wurmilleApril 6 202018 references to organe; 10 in medical literature, 8 in glossaries. 10 references to wurmille, 1 in medical literature, 9 in glossaries.
Meadow saffronColchicum autumnalegrēatewyrt9 occurrences; 7 in medical literature, 2 in glossaries.
MeadowsweetFilipendula ulmariamedowyrtOrchardGrows wild20 occurrences; 13 in medical literature, 7 in glossaries
MonkshoodAconitum NapellusÞung (also used for poison & other poisonous plants)Highly toxic26 occurrences; 8 in medical literature, 18 in glossaries and in a charter, S630.
MugwortArtemisia Vulgarismucgwyrt (also used for other plants)50 occurrences; 32 in medical literature, 18 in glossaries.
MulleinVerbascum thapsusNames include: feltwyrt, gescādwyrtGrows wild in the area12 references to feltwyrt; 3 in medical literature, 9 in glossaries. 7 references to gescādwyrt; 1 in medical literature, 6 in glossaries.
MustardSinapis albasenepGardenApril 6 2020A salad variety, not necessarily authentic26 occurrences; 11 in medical literature, 15 in glossaries.
Opium poppyPapaver somniferumpopig, hwītGardenApril 6 20204 references to hwīt popig; 3 in medical literature, 1 in a glossary. 27 references to popig (field or opium poppy); 2 in medical literature; 25 in glossaries. In the St Gall garden.
ParsleyPetroselinum crispumpetersilieGardenApril 6 202013 occurrences; 11 in medical literature, 2 in glossaries. In the St Gall garden.
PennyroyalMentha pulegiumpollegie, dweorgedwostle32 references to pollegie, all in medical literature. 37 references to dweorgedwostle; 24 in medical literature, 13 in glossaries. In the St Gall garden.
PeonyPaeoniapeonia, pionieGardenApril 8 2020Transplanted from home garden4 references to peonia in medical literature and 4 references to pionie in glossaries.
Perforate St. John's WortHypericum PerforatumNo references found
Ribwort plantainPlantago lanceolatalǣcewyrt, ribbe
13 references to lǣcewyrt; 6 in medical literature, 7 in glossaries. 35 references to ribbe; 19 in medical literature, 16 in glossaries, and in place-names (eg Ribbesford, Worcs.).
Pot marigoldCalendula officinalisNames include: sōlosēce, golde
GardenApril 6 202010 references to sōlosēce; 4 in medical literature, 6 in glossaries. 1 reference to golde in a glossary; occurs in charters (eg S566) and place-names (eg Golder, Oxon). May be subject of Aldhelm’s riddle 51.
PrimrosePrimula vulgarisNo references foundGardenApril 6 2020
RadishRaphanus sativusrǣdic, antre52 references to rǣdic; 44 in medical literature, 8 in glossaries. 24 references to antre; 23 in medical literature, 1 in a glossary. In the St Gall garden.
RueRuta graveolensrūdeGardenJuly 7 2020Somewhat toxic106 occurrences; 96 in medical literature, 10 in glossaries, in place-names (eg Rudyard, Staffs.). In the St Gall garden.
SageSalvia officinalissaluie33 occurrences; 26 in medical literature, 6 in glossaries. In the St Gall garden.
SelfhealPrunella vulgarisPossibly brūnwyrt (mainly used for other plants)Lawn (wild)31 occurrences
SkirretSium sisarumNo references foundBed of brother JulianApril 9 20201 year old plant transplanted from home garden
SorrelRumex acetosasūre
Names for dock may also refer to sorrel:
ampre, docce, leloþre
GardenApril 6 202010 references to sūre; 3 in medical literature, 7 in glossaries; occurs in the place-name Sewer, Devon. 15 references to ampre; 11 in medical literature, 4 in glossaries; occurs in the place-name Ampleforth, Yorks. 21 references to docce; 11 in medical literature,10 in glossaries; occurs in charters (eg S480) and place-names (eg Docklow, Herefords.). 8 references to leloþre in glossaries.
SouthernwoodArtemisia abrotanumNames include:
GardenJuly 7 20206 references to aprotane in medical literature.
16 references to sūþernewudu; 7 in medical literature, 9 in glossaries.
Strawberry (wild)Fragaria vescastrēawberieGardenApril 6 202032 occurrences; 12 in medical literature, 20 in glossaries; occurs in the place-name Strawberry Lee, Derbys.
Sweet woodruffGalium odoratumwudurōfeGardenApril 6 202030 occurrences; 21 in medical references, 9 in glossaries.
TansyTanacetum vulgarehelde
mucgwyrt (also used for other plants)
GardenJuly 7 202015 references to helde; 4 in medical literature, 11 in glossaries. 50 references to mucgwyrt; 32 in medical literature, 18 in glossaries.
TeaselDipsacus fullonumwulfescambMeadowGrows wild22 occurrences; 10 in medical literature, 12 in glossaries.
ThymeThymus vulgariscunelle
fille (probably both used for wild thyme)
GardenApril 6 20206 references to cunelle; 1 in medical literature, 5 in glossaries. 8 references to fille; 2 in medical literature, 6 in glossaries.
ValerianValeriana officinalisualerianeGardenApril 20 20202 occurrences in medical literature.
VervainVerbena officinalisæsc-þrote31 references to æscþrote; 17 in medical literature; 14 in glossaries. 7 references to berbene; 5 in medical literature, 2 in glossaries.
VioletViola odoratapossible names include bānwyrt, clǣfre (mostly used for other plants) and æppellēaf24 references to bānwyrt; 14 in medical literature, 10 in glossaries. 20 references to clǣfre; 5 in medical literature, 15 in glossaries. 1 reference to æppellēaf in a glossary.
Wild celeryApium Graveolensmerce72 occurrences; 52 in medical literature, 20 in glossaries, occurs in place-names, (eg Marcham, Berks). In the St Gall garden.
Wild garlicAllium ursinumhramsa;
possibly also brādelēac
GardenApril 10 2020Transplanted from home garden20 references to hramsa in glossaries; occurs in placenames (eg Ramsden, Oxon.). 7 references to brādelēac; 2 in medical literature, 5 in glossaries.
Winter savorySatureja montanaNo references found24 occurences; 7 in medical literature, 17 in glossaries; occurs in place-names (eg Waddon, Surrey) and 30 occurrences in charters.
WoadIsatis tinctoriawād
WormwoodArtemisia absinthium
wermōdGardenJuly 7 2020104 occurrences; 89 in medical literature, 15 in glossaries.
YarrowAchillea MillefoliumgearweGardenApril 6 202054 occurrences; 38 in medical literature, 16 in glossaries; occurs in the place-name Yarridge (Northumberland). Subject of Aldhelm’s riddle 50.


Where not otherwise specified, the source for Old English names is the online Dictionary of Old English Plant Names, which gives extensive references.

Many of the plant names have variant forms and alternatives, but generally only one form is shown here, usually the one that occurs most frequently in texts.